Club Spotight – The Spur

Not very many University newspapers can claim an entirely student-run, uncensored platform that is able to focus solely on the interests of its students. This is what The Spur offers.
Every two weeks during the fall and spring semesters, barring holiday breaks, a new issue comes out and its goal is to keep the University, its faculty and its students as well as the local community, informed about the various accomplishments, problems, events, visitors and points of pride that make Southwest Minnesota State University a great place to be.
Students take pictures, write stories, conduct interviews and format the paper from start to finish without any influence from faculty or SMSU administration, and are paid for their contributions.
Ruthe Thompson, an English professor, is the advisor for The Spur, though she goes on sabbatical next spring and Marianne Zarzana will take over. Between the two, it’s impossible to decide which one is more willing to help students with their writing and coming up with ideas for stories as well as possible interviews and ways to keep a majority of topics specifically relevant to the people of Marshall, MN.
Even beyond just writing for The Spur, there are opportunities to travel to the National College Media Convention that takes place multiple times a year in various cities around the country.
Next spring there is an opening for Business Manager and at the end of the year The Spur will also be looking to fill the positions of Editor-in-Chief as well as a couple others. Of course, there is always a welcome to any students who want to take pictures, write stories, or just come sit in on a meeting and see how things work.
We have meetings every Thursday at noon in IL 220. I can be contacted at [email protected] or [email protected] to answer any comments, questions or concerns.