Spotlight: Honors Club
The Honors Club is getting new life this year thanks to newly instated President Fadumo Ismail, vice president Elizabeth Ripple, and Secretary Ayan Nur.
Despite its name, the Honors Club is not officially affiliated with the Honors Program. The club is actually designed for all students who want to be educational outside the classroom while still having a good time. Students of every major and type are eligible to join the Honors Club.
Last year, the Honors Club didn’t have enough members and didn’t generate enough ideas to completely fulfill their potential as a club. This year, with a new board and mission statement, President Fadumo Ismail hopes to attract more members and achieve more as a club.
Their new mission statement states: “The Honors Club is dedicated to enhancing the educational experience of students through civic engagement and understanding diversity. The club organizes trips, activities, films and speakers on a wide variety of topics to further their education outside the classroom.”
With this goal in mind, the Honors Club plans to take trips in and outside the community and sponsor events and speakers on campus, especially those that increase their member’s understanding of the importance of diversity and involvement in the community, and collaborate with other clubs.
Regular meetings of the Honors Club include food and group discussion of topics that are relatable to college students. As most of their new members are freshmen, many of these discussions have upperclassmen sharing their experiences and advice on how best to adjust to the university experience.
Meetings are Tuesdays from 12:30-1:00pm in BA 109. (BA 109 is the Honors Lounge, which is open to students who want to eat lunch or do homework). President Fadumo Ismail encourages students to come to a meeting to see what the Honors Club has in store for them.
“We welcome everyone,” Ismail said.