Club Spotlight: Art Club comes back to SMSU

Since 2012, the SMSU Art Club has been nonexistent–until this school year. Seniors Emily Peterson and Virginia Phelps, currently president and vice president, have made it their mission to revitalize Art Club and make it an enjoyable place for anyone to appreciate art of all kinds.

In the last few months alone, Art Club has participated in activities around SMSU, such as the Homecoming Parade and Fresh Check Day.

In addition to campus participation, Art Club has also brought in speakers for its members.

“We’ve already had a lot of guest speakers, like Bill Mulso,” Phelps said. “He was an [alumnus] of SMSU and had a show in the Whipple Gallery.”

During club meetings, Peterson and Phelps coordinate various activities to bring members together through art and incorporate everyones’ skills. Some of these activities include tie-dye, print making and Pictionary tournaments.

“[Art Club] can be a good stress reliever for students and a way to make friends, as we have people from all kinds of majors,” Peterson said. “It’s a time when students can come and express themselves through art without taking an art class.”

Still yet this semester, Art Club plans to take a trip to Minneapolis to tour some popular artistic sites.

“We’re planning on visiting the [Minneapolis Institute of Art], The Weisman, The Northern Clay Center, The Soap Factory, and the Highpoint Center for Printmaking,” Peterson said.

Currently, Art Club has received permission for hooks to be installed around the school to showcase more student art on campus, such as in the coffee house and hallways in Bellows Academic.

Next semester, Peterson has plans to show members what it means to be an artist in a professional setting.

“We are planning to travel to artists’ studios so students can see artists making a living doing what they love to do,” Peterson said. “We are also planning on bringing in a couple of established artists to talk about their work and journeys as artists.”

Art Club meets every Thursday at noon in BA 133/134. Art majors are highly encouraged to join, but all students are welcome regardless of major.