Humans vs. Zombies

Katherine Speiker, Commentary Editor

Based on support gathered from students, the Math Club and Philosophy Club have begun planning a campus-wide activity for students.

Titled Humans versus Zombies, the event begins Apr. 18 and goes through Apr. 22. Participants are given “missions” each night at 7 p.m. This begins an on-campus search by zombies to look for humans. Zombies tag the humans who are marked with a yellow bandana on their arms while the humans defend themselves with Nerf Blasters. Zombies have the yellow bandanas on their heads.

When a zombie gets hit with the Nerf dart, they are stunned for 15 minutes, unless a mission is going on, when the stun-time goes down to 30 seconds.

If a human is tagged, they put their bandana on their head and become zombies. The goal for the humans is to stay alive, and the goal for the zombies is to eliminate all the humans. This continues during the school day. The safe zone is anywhere inside the school, but once someone is outside, they are open for elimination.

Missions are events that happen every night that participants engage in. A mission from last year was called “Retrieve the Package.” The package was placed in the woods before the mission began. The humans’ job was to find the package before the zombies ate all the humans.

Cole Miska, one of the primary coordinators for the event, said, “Most major colleges in the nation have a Humans versus Zombies event. And, outside of last year, we haven’t had one since 2008.”

Miska hopes to have a good turn-out for the informational meeting on Apr. 15. Visitors are encouraged to ask questions of coordinators.

“This should be a good opportunity for everyone to blow off steam and have some fun before finals week,” said Miska.

Nerf Blasters are not provided for participants.