A New Year. It compels us to make resolutions. Sadly, many are already broken. Why do we do it? Set ourselves up for failure year after year. I am tired of it; we need to fight the repeating injustice of failed resolutions.
The core of the injustice seems to be our definition of the word ‘resolution’. The most common meaning is ‘the act of solving’. That implies the problem must be fully solved to never appear again. Yikes, that is daunting.
But there are other definitions for the word resolution. Although lesser known, another meaning is ‘the act of analyzing or converting a complex notion into simpler ones’. This means we do not have to solve forever, but rather try to review the situation and break it down to manageable parts. And then we can push towards some smaller successes. Are you still not with me on the redefined resolution definition? Understandable. Then here’s an example to argue my point.
A New Year will bring many welcomed good days and unfortunately the unavoidable bad days. Be thankful especially on a bad day. On a bad day? Yes…we all have had our share. And with my advanced years I can only say they won’t stop but you can decide how to handle them. Should we laugh or cry? Most of us do both. Usually lightly laughing in public and loudly crying in private.
I call bad days ‘d-downer days’, as they can be: discouraging, debilitating and depressing. So, now you are probably thinking, “What type of redefined resolution can I have on bad days, you just said they never stop?” I have learned years ago to break down bad days into two parts: 1) inventory the positive and 2) reevaluate the negative.
First, we can decide bad days are also reminders for us to stop and count our blessings: think about what is really important in life, see our true friends shine, feel how our family can support, and appreciate all the good days we have had and will again. That is something we would rarely, if ever, take the time to do on a good day.
And secondly, we can rethink what parts went wrong and what we may be able to do to cope and handle better the next time. Not always easy, but time well spent to help ease the wrath of the next bad day.
Look at it this way. Things are going to come into our lives that are not pleasant or wanted, and it is impossible to stop them all forever. So, Avenge! After all, no good (and yes….profitable) DC Comic book or movie plot would be complete without one or two bad days and the heroes battling to come back from them. Sure, even in the DC world the problems don’t always go away for good (and most likely will show up in part 2 or 3 of the franchise); but the hero will be even smarter and more prepared the next time that villain appears. And again and again and again, if that’s what it takes.
So, bring on the bad d-downer days and the other resolution themed unjust battles (weight, money, grades, time to help others, time with family and friends). Because many of us will continue to fight daily to make ourselves and the world better. We cannot stop bad things from coming but we can use their powers for good and not evil. Choose to avenge them little by little for small successes. At least that is going to be my New Year’s redefined resolution for all of 2014.