Rugby keeps rolling

If you have not heard of our SMSU Women’s Rugby Team, you have been truly missing out. Currently 6-3 for the fall season, the Women’s Rugby Team is doing well this semester.

On Sat., Oct. 21st, the team had three home games on the track and field turf. Two 7s games (7 players, 7 minute halfs), and one 15s game (15 players, 15 minutes halfs). During the first game against SDSU at 9:30, SMSU scored 3 tries in the first half, two by Courtney Mulder and 1 by Jessica Janisch. SDSU also earned a try and scored on their chance to kick, giving the SMSU Women’s Rugby team another win for the fall season.

Scrum-half and President of the team Courtney Mulder said, “The first game our team excelled at communicating and reading each other. We worked very well as a unit, running good support and good ball movement.”

During the first half of the second game, NSU scored 3 tries and SMSU’s Natalie Warne scored 1. This game was played by mostly the newer players on the team, and was the third for the season, but as Emily Errico, a new player, and wing on the team stated “It was a chance for all the new players to feel each other’s playing styles out and implement the techniques we learned about in practice. Even though we lost that game, it was still a great experience, especially since the team we faced off against had such great sportsmanship. I’ve only experienced that combination of courtesy and competition in rugby.”

The 15s game was the first 15s game for SMSU, but the team still did well scoring 2 tries by Kaylee Glomstad and Janisch. The combined NSU/SDSU team scored 1 try and 1 kick during this half. During the second half NSU/SDSU scored 3 tries and 1 kick.  Abbey Baumann, a Loose head prop and Vice President of the Team said, “We played and communicated very well, as this has been our first 15s game and getting to know the different positions, as a team we did great.” Overall, the team has been doing extremely well.