Women’s Rugby prepares for the upcoming season

SMSU’s women’s rugby team prepares for its upcoming season. Last year, the club was a very new team comprised mostly of rookies.

The club plans to be more competitive this season. President of the women’s rugby club, Courtney Mulder said “This year we have a lot more experience, we practice more often, and we lift as a team every week in the weight room. I believe we will be in good standing this year, as our ladies are prepared and excited to compete.”

The rugby club plays two seasons, fall and spring. Currently, they are planning on 5 games this fall season and 4 games in the spring season.

The women’s rugby club is planning on attending a tournament in Wayne, NE next weekend.

The club plays in the Prairie States Conference and plays against other colleges such as South Dakota State University, Northern State University and Wayne State University.

The women’s rugby club is open to any women enrolled at SMSU and cleared for contact sports. Women of all body types and athletic backgrounds are welcome to join.

The women’s rugby club focus on safety and teaches all its members how to fall and tackle correctly and how to remain safe while out on the field.

To students feeling intimated about playing rugby, Mulder says “we have girls of all body types that play rugby and excel at it. Rugby is a sport for everyone. There are 15 different positions for 15 different body types. We have a place for everyone.”