Editor-in-Chief introduction letter

Hello everyone, hopefully these first few weeks of classes have been good to you.

My name is Caleb Herrlich. I have a taste for travel, I think hockey is the greatest sport in the world, and I absolutely love to read.

Literature is my passion, mostly because that’s where people bare their souls and the truth is revealed.

As Editor-in-Chief of The Spur my aim is to present the truth.

Our paper is entirely student run and unique in the way that it remains one of the few campus publications from around the United States that suffers zero censorship.

Not our adviser, nor our president nor anyone else is able to influence what gets printed in our biweekly issues.

As the 2017-2018 academic year settles in, there is a lot to be aware of; on campus, locally, and on national and world levels.

My goal this year is simple—keep everyone in the loop. My staff and I understand this endeavor to mean promising facts that are accurate and unbiased in our news stories, while also recognizing the community’s and the world’s various viewpoints within our pages.

What The Spur is not is a place to further personal vendettas or political inclinations.

Our focus is on providing primarily you, the student body, an open and honest report of the problems, triumphs, struggles, and accomplishments that happen around us.

We will provide the unfettered story. You make the judgement.

My hope in particular is to maintain the standard and integrity of The Spur from past years, a hope that requires the help of you.

Through letters to the editor, guest columns, and freelance writing, anything you have to say is welcomed and encouraged as well as feedback and criticism.

There is nothing unworthy of our attention. You can even join our staff, or just see what we’re doing, by coming to our open meetings in IL 220 at noon on every Thursday.

Caleb Herrlich is a senior literature major minoring in philosophy.

He can personally be reached at 218-838-6454 or [email protected].