The Story Behind Stanger – Satire
April 14, 2016
Everyone knows our beloved mascot at SMSU, Stanger, but how many know his story?
Stanger originally came to SMSU as a freshman studying poultry science back in 1971. Stanger was a student with a 4.00 GPA until late 1972, when he ended up with the wrong crowd.
The first semester of his sophomore year, Stanger met a donkey named Ass and a cow named Milk Dud. After trying some of Milk Dud’s famous “Milk Duds,” Stanger developed an unfortunate penchant for hard drugs.
Stanger ended up temporarily dropping out in Feb. 1973 when he was caught with 16 ounces of “grass” in his dorm room. Between then and the early 80’s, Stanger revolved between the Lyon County Jail and the streets.
In May 1984, after being released from jail for holding up the local Sears, Stanger met a local horse named Marey. The pair quickly developed a mutual affection for each other, but Marey couldn’t date Stanger as long as he was still addicted to pills.
The night after being rejected by Marey for his drug use, Stanger got rid of all his Milk Duds, grass, cow pies and crazy horse and checked himself into rehab. Stanger got out of rehab in Oct. 1984 and was wed to Marey the following year.
In 1987, Stanger decided it was time to finish his education. He returned to SMSU and was once again a star student. He founded several clubs and headed a full dozen charity events that year. His senior year, Stanger joined the football team as a quarterback, where he became one of the most legendary players in the NCAA.
Upon graduating in 1988, he was given several awards from SMSU and many anti drug organizations to recognize how far he had come since his days as a drug addict.
One year later, as the school year began in 1989, SMSU had an opening for its mascot after the unfortunate demise of Daryl, the DDT Eating Eagle. Stanger was a natural choice after all he had done for the community and how much he had improved his life.
Stanger was originally hired as an adjunct mascot, but everyone loved him so much that he was made full time in 1991. Stanger has been our beloved mascot ever since, showing that anyone can turn their life around.