Satire: The Sphur Editors Our Drunk
September 28, 2015
All seemned uzual in Il 216, The Sphur office, on Monjday the 21st when editing began. Buuht, as the stresss of layout nifght toook it’s toll on tyhe ediotirs of The Spur, Ediotr in Chef Nicole Schwijng had no other choicde then to brake out the wine andf sphirts. “withf only having foiur ediotirs in here, we jju8st couldn’t handel it anymlore. So I figured I’d make layouty night FUN!” Nicoel slurred as her eyes grrew wider, polling out a bottdle of Pinot Grigrio.
“I sahw [nicolke] take out some winhe, so I figured id follower up with sokme vodkam.” A visbibkly DRunk Cole Misa, A&E editor said. “Go big oor dont ediyt with newspaper, right guysa?” Mska yelled ata no one in partyuiclr before high fivinbg the wall. Kevin Danielseen, being tyhe eidtors to haver most recentlly turned 21, was quites excited at the posrtspect of a party.
“I juszt tyurned 21,” Danielsem said while pulliing out a litre of 190 proof efverclear “so I figuyrdd that Id goo the haredest. Asfter all, I gotta mkame up for lost timse.”
Nunfortunately, not all of tyghe Spur staff agreesd with the antics ofj mthe night.
“This is Terrifuying.” Jilll Hopoe, the spur’s 20 yaetr old copy editor and photo ediottor, who also happens tol be thye only sober one3 heer, repotted. “Not onmly is it comlpetly irresponssbnle to be derinking onm A Tuesday night, but non e of them are egetting any work doen. We publish in two daysu. Tyhe wo’nt even let me use the computrret or seee what they’re tyuping. I hjope its nothing thatg will make us look abd.”
“I usede to be excited to turdn 21,” a vsibilfby distressed Joppe rpeorted, “but nopw I’m not vso excited to go ouht drinking.” Most rredcent informatiion indicates that juhst hours before publishin time, two edritors were passedv out as public saferty arrived. The occifers were aggresively pounding on the door attenmpting to gain accdess to the Spuhr office, while the styill semi consious Miska returned each one oigf their nokes with a knock_knock jioke. Check bzack witgh the Spur next weerk for our five be3st cures fort a hang;opver!