TrumpCare fails, Republicans reeling from political loss

On Friday, March 24, Paul Ryan said what a lot of people were waiting to hear.

“Obamacare is the law of the land,” Ryan said. “It will remain the law of the land until it is replaced. We will be living with Obamacare for the foreseeable future.”

In a span of just 18 days, the American Health Care Act failed to unite enough of the Republican Party in order to pass into law. In some circles, like the House Freedom Caucus, the problem was that the AHCA did not do enough to repeal Obamacare. Others, however, such as the Tuesday Group, thought it did too much.

The bill, which in its 18 days had been both dubbed Trumpcare and Ryancare, included the ending of Medicaid—something that a few Republicans could not condone.

On Thursday night, March 23, President Trump ultimately made the final call when he proclaimed either the bill passes or Obamacare remains. Soon after House Speaker Paul Ryan called to say that there were not enough votes, President Trump agreed to pull the bill.

“There remains so much that we can do to help improve people’s lives, and we will,” Ryan said, in his response to the AHCA’s failure. Despite the fact that the Democrats voted against the bill unanimously and that Republicans could not come together, Ryan then insisted “the worst is yet to come with Obamacare.”

“Death-spiraling” was another term used to describe the current healthcare system as Ryan maintained that the voting was very, very close and that something will happen in the future regarding healthcare.

President Trump’s response to the bill’s failure seemed to dodge all blame, and assured that whatever happens next is the Democrats’ fault. President Trump’s conclusion included, “I never said repeal and replace Obamacare. You’ve all heard my speeches. I never said repeal it and replace it within 64 days. I have a long time.”

During the body of this speech, President Trump said that Obamacare will explode. He seemed not overtly concerned, however, with this supposed inevitability than with making sure everyone sees that the Democrats got it wrong.

“Perhaps the best thing that could happen is exactly what happened today,” Trump said, “because we’ll end up with a truly great health care bill in the future after this mess known as Obamacare explodes.”