Students lobby for higher education

Every year in mid-February, representatives for Students United, an advocacy group for higher education in Minnesota, gather in St. Paul to take part in Advocacy Day. The organization represents the 70,000 students within the Minnesota State university system.

At this year’s Advocacy Day, students met with representatives and senators from each of their districts to discuss issues in higher education within Minnesota State.

SMSU Students United Organizing Intern David Shittu was present at this year’s Advocacy Day.

Shittu said that Students United lobbied for tuition cost, a grant for more funding to Minnesota State, better investment in student services to boost retention rates, and additional funds for the maintenance and upgrade of facilities in the seven state universities.

Shittu explained that students from SMSU met with Representative Chris Swedzinski and Senator Gary Dahms for discussion.

“We had positive and meaningful conversations and the opportunity to have our voices heard,” Shittu said. “It was overall a successful event with a great turn out.”