Munford responds to gun incident

On Feb. 23, a male suspect was detained by the Marshall Police Department. The MPD was responding to a reported assault near Fairview Street that involved a handgun. According to the MPD, no one was injured, and no handgun was found on the scene. However, because of the incident’s proximately to the Village Drive apartment complexes where several SMSU students live, the SMSU community was notified.

SMSU’s Director of Public Safety, Mike Munford, was the one who notified SMSU students and faculty about the situation.

“This incident is not a cause for alarm, but it does highlight the need for heightened sensitivity,” Munford said.

Munford encourages students to view the video on the SMSU Public Safety website entitled “Run, Hide, and Fight.”

The video outlines the three main responses that should be taken in case of a violent intruder.

The first response is to run, and it emphasizes the importance of leaving the situation if possible and encouraging others to evacuate before calling the police. If running is not possible, the second response should be to hide quietly in a place that is out of sight and does not restrict your movement. As a last resort, the final response should be to be aggressive and attempt to detain the assailant.

For more information about what to do in case of an active shooter on campus, visit the Public Safety webpage.

“We never felt that our campus was in danger,” Munford said, “But it is important to remain educated and alert to prevent incidents on campus.”