39th reception for Whipple Scholarship recipient will be held March 28

On March 28, a reception will be held to celebrate the Whipple Arts and Humanities Scholarship recipient Nicole Schwing’s achievements.

Every year at SMSU, one outstanding junior or senior is selected to receive the scholarship. The Whipple Scholarship celebrates the academic achievements of students majoring in everything from art and music to English and philosophy.

Narrowing down dozens of viable candidates to just one can be an extensive process. It is apparent that the scholarship winner must be a student with remarkable qualities.

Professor Alma Hale, one of the individuals in charge of selecting students to receive the scholarship, explained that a student must first be nominated by SMSU staff and take part in interviews before they can finally be chosen.

Schwing, a senior with a double major in management and literature, will be graduating in May.

The event will be held from noon-1:30 p.m. in the Whipple Gallery.