Munford: Reported incidents down during Hawaiian Week

Hawaiian Night is one of the most popular events at SMSU. Students are given a chance to let loose and show their school spirit in whatever way they see fit. Because of this, the number of crimes committed on campus during Hawaiian Week tends to increase.

However, Director of Public Safety Mike Munford said that there was a decrease in reported incidents during this year’s Hawaiian Week compared to previous ones.

“I have one of those jobs where the less busy I am, the better,” Munford said.

In the week leading up to Hawaiian Night, several incidents were reported to the SMSU Public Safety Office.

On Jan. 24, a non-student began harassing students in the RA parking lot. This individual received a notice for both trespassing and harassment.

Several vehicle accidents also occurred. The first was on Jan. 26 when a parked car in the A1 parking lot received significant damage.

Munford stated that because of the extent of the damage, it was likely intentional.

“You can’t not know you hit that vehicle,” Munford said. “The individual responsible was referred to the Marshall Police Department.”

The second vehicle accident occurred the next day on Jan. 27. A vehicle in the RA parking lot was reported to have received minimal damage. Munford believed that this action was not intentional.

There were only two incidents that were reported on Hawaiian Night itself. The first was regarding several marijuana cigarettes that were found during a bag check in the RA facility.

The second occurred later that night when an individual was found in possession of alcohol near Sweetland.