SAFAC looking for new members

As the Spring semester approaches, the Student Activity Fee Allocation Committee (SAFAC) is beginning its search for new members.

Student fees contribute to the collegiate experience, providing funding for clubs and activities ranging from intramural sports to theatre productions. SAFAC allocates funds at the start of each semester and handles ongoing budget requests from clubs seeking funds for unanticipated expenses.

In December, at least two of SAFAC’s nine members will graduate, leaving several spots on the committee vacant.

Christopher Ross, a current member of SAFAC, said the committee sent a few of its members to speak to business and finance classes to find possible candidates. Ross also outlined the qualities that SAFAC looks for in prospective members.

“New members should have leadership and problem-solving qualities,” Ross said. “SAFAC members work with a $400,000 budget in the spring. It’s a vigorous process that requires people to voice their opinions and make decisions.”

Ross encouraged students interested in joining SAFAC to contact co-chairs Laura Garlow and  Dannika Vanderbrake. Ross and Student Body President Ashanti Payne are also available to provide information and hand out applications to interested students.

“SAFAC is a great way to get involved on campus and have a say in what happens to money allocated for clubs and activities,” Ross said.