Advanced Public Speaking class to present “Mustang Talks”
October 3, 2016
On Thursday, Oct. 6 from 6 to 7 p.m., the students of Professor Benjamin Walker’s Advanced Public Speaking class will be putting on the event “Mustang Talks” in CH 201.
The project started last year through a collaboration of the Advanced Public Speaking students and the Forensic Team. The first event was likened to the well-known TED Talks. This year’s event was entirely organized by students of Walker’s Advanced Public Speaking class.
“They dreamed up a format, planned the time limits, invited speakers, booked the room, made posters,” Walker said. “It is a great learning opportunity for them to see what goes into preparing an event like this.”
For the sequel, Mustang Talks has the theme of “I wish I would have known…”. Four or five speakers will be giving their take on the subject. Audience members will be invited to ask questions and and share their own thoughts on the topic.