Student Senate Updates
October 15, 2015
Two representatives from the Minnesota State University Student Association (MSUSA) presented a report to the Student Senate on October 1. The association acts as advocates for students in the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system.
Vice Chair Joe Wolf explained that the association is funded by students, with 43 cents per credit allotted to the organization. Each school in the MnSCU system has one intern who supports the six full-time staff members.
Issues MSUSA is undertaking this year include mental health awareness, textbook affordability, safe campus communities, and diversity campaigns. They will also complete legislative work at the state and federal level, rebrand the MSUSA name, and increase alumni engagement.
SMSU’s MSUSA representatives were present at the meeting and explained how they were addressing issues such as textbook affordability, diversity, public relations, and lobbying on campus.
Student Body President Ashanti Payne recognized the SMSU MSUSA committee for the work they have done since their formation last semester.
The next MSUSA board meeting will be held Oct. 18 in Marshall.