Ag Career Fair to be Held Nov. 4

Kaleigh Farrelly, Staff Writer

Gary Gillin is the Interim Director of Career Services at SMSU. Although it is his second year here, one can tell that he enjoys his career choice.

One of the programs that he is in charge of is the Agriculture Career Fair. This will be held Wednesday, Nov. 4 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the SMSU conference center in the upper ballroom.

This job and internship fair is in its third year at SMSU. Although there are many agriculture-related businesses that are attending the fair, it is not just relegated to agriculture majors.

“These companies also need IT people, technical writers, creative writers, and so on. They’re serious about getting employees,” Gillin said.

The fair was started three years ago by Carrie Hansen. This year, they are just as busy promoting it as they have been in the past.

“Last year at about this time, we had 90 students registered for the fair,” Gillin said. “This year, we have about 20. So, yes, we’d like to see more interest in the fair, especially since it’s not just for Ag majors. These businesses, they don’t spend their money to come here unless they’re serious about getting employees.”

Many of last year’s attendees had interviews with the companies, which is a promising sign. However, Gillin does not know how many of those had been offered–and accepted–jobs or internships with the companies.

Before the Ag Fair on Nov. 4, there are other events that are designed to help students build their resumes and come up with an elevator pitch for themselves.

“We call it an elevator pitch because it’s very short, anywhere from 15 to 35 seconds,” Gillin said. “At the Ag Fair Prep Party, you can come to the BA/CH Link, hand in your resume, and in 15 to 30 seconds tell them about yourself. Basically it’s creating a good first impression and showing that you have leadership skills.”

The other prep event before the Ag Fair is the Resume Writing Workshop on Wednesday, Oct. 21 from 12 to 1 p.m. in BA 102. The purpose is to help create or revise your resume.

The Ag Fair Prep Party is on Wednesday, Oct. 28. This is from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the BA/CH Link.

The Fast 15 Resume Review is on Thursdays from 1 to 3 p.m. in BA 156. It’s first come, first served, so those who cannot make it should make an appointment with the Career Services office in BA 156.

And, of course, there are online resources.

The Career Services office also offers mock interviews.

Attending business will include: Agnition, AgStar, Christensen Farms, CHS, Crystal Valley, DuPont Pioneer, First Security Bank of Sleepy Eye, Granite Falls Bank, Harvest Land Coop, Hefty Seed Company, Midwestern BioAg, Minnwest Bank, New Vision Co-op, North Star Mutual Insurance Company, Northwestern Mutual, Pipestone Systems/EMP SERV, LLC, Schuneman Equipment, Schwartz Farms, Inc, South Dakota Wheat Growers, Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative, United FCS, USDA – Farm Service Agency, WFS, and Ziegler Cat.

For more on the Agriculture Career Fair, visit SMSU’s website under Campus Life or contact Gary Gillin in BA 156 in the Career Services office.