Student Senate Update

Kevin Danielson, Variety Editor

Elections were held starting April 6 to determine new roles in Student Senate next year. Students received an online ballot in their emails to encourage a higher voter turnout.

J-Board Coordinator Chris Ross announced the results at the April 9 meeting. 334 students voted in the election.

Ashanti Payne, who currently serves as the Student Affairs Chair, will replace Rachael Posusta as the next president. The role of PR Coordinator, which remained vacant this semester, will be filled by write-in candidate Cole Scheller. All three senate candidates who ran won the position.

Finances for next year were discussed at the April 9 meeting. SMSU Chief Information Officer Dan Baun went through the technology fee finances for next year. He recommended to not spend any new money.

“For now we just want to sit tight, see how it goes, and focus on replenishing reserves,” Baun said.

Technology fees cannot increase because they are at the maximum set by MnSCU Board Policy.

A 3 percent increase to room and board fees for students living on campus next year was approved by voice vote. SMSU is estimating there will be a 9 percent decrease in occupancy from the current year.

This increase in fees was needed in order to stay even with increasing costs. If this was not approved, there would need to be a cut back on repairs to the dorms, and fewer summer student employees.

Student Center fees will also go up by 3 percent next year. This is the first time in four years this fee has increased. If this were not implemented, consequences would include fewer student workers and a drop in repairs.

Two of the five candidates for the MSUSA state chair position came to the meetings to discuss why they are running.

Nicholas Neuman of St. Cloud State University attended the April 2 meeting. He says he is running because of his experience with MSUSA and his passion for higher education.

The second candidate, Eric Petersen, is also from SCSU and attended the April 9 meeting. He believes he can bring a fresh perspective to the role.

The elections for state chair will take place during the MSUSA board of directors meeting on April 17.