“OMG! The Things I Learned In College” helps college students IRL

Everyone has their own preconceptions about college life before they actually live on campus. Everyone and their brother has a view they can’t wait to share with anyone who they know will soon be living on campus or attending college, whether they themselves have or not.

OMG! The Things I Learned In College by Bob Roth is a book that attempts to shed light on just about everything that can go right and wrong when going to college, especially when living on campus and trying to find a new way in the world independent of parents, siblings and the structure of high school. From parties to theft, sexual assault and healthy relationships, dealing with professors and finding a job during and after school, Roth’s book tries to touch on any situation that could cause a student stress, questions, or unease. Most of the topics include humorous anecdotes and events worthy of laughter, but when read closely, OMG! The Things I Learned In College is as thought-provoking as it is funny. Some beliefs will be challenged, some expanded upon, and others will draw out emotions the reader may not really be aware they have as the leading personalities, Scott and Jackie, template the way that college life can be an incredible experience or an awful one.

The very first chapter is an example of this, as Scott, who has generally succeeded at whatever he bothered with throughout his life, is almost run out of an interview after presenting himself (unintentionally) undesirably. Now he has to deal with failing at something he wanted and, for the first time, deal with it alone.

OMG! The Things I Learned In College is a good read for someone struggling to find their place, but it’s not gripping the way a fictional or classic novel might be. The language is fairly simply, and the writing is hardly complex, but the ideas are sound and the points are easy to understand. It’s also safe to say that this is not a “how to” guide to college life. There are tips and recommendations definitely worth considering, but reading this book will not provide all of the answers a new student is looking for, and some of the answers it does contain may not relate to everyone’s situation.

   3 out of 5 spurs.