Movie review: Hidden Figures uncovered
“We get to the peak together, or we don’t get there at all.”
“Hidden Figures” was released on Dec. 25, 2016 and has since been nominated for numerous awards to recognize its captivating story and impressive cinematography.
Based on a book of the same name by Margot Lee Shetterly, the movie follows the lives of three people who made important contributions to the nation’s space program while battling discrimination based on sex and race.
The film does a good job of balancing the contrast between the drama of the ever-quickening space race and the sluggish struggle of the women’s daily lives. The two storylines complement each other well and give the film an overall feeling of satisfaction.
As for the characters, they feel very real. Though they are good, they are not perfect. The faults of each character give room for the others to support them. Each character also does their share of comedic relief, which, as can be imagined, is very comforting to the audience after the tense scenes that take up much of the movie.
Personally, I thought the most important part of the movie was the fact that it proudly displayed a part of history that many would sweep under the rug. Before this movie was announced, I had no idea that women of color had helped get the first man on the moon. It forced me to recognize my own bias.
The relationship between the two overlying arcs is very important to me. Just like the need for space exploration is not over, the need for striving for equality between races and gender is not over.
The only issue I had with the film are the inaccuracies. According to the Internet Movie Database (IMDb), there are at least 24 errors having to do with things existing in the wrong time period and 25 errors having to do with the facts of the movie. Inaccuracies are acceptable up to a point because of artistic liberty, but I believe more care should have been put into props and facts of the space race because the message of this movie is so important.
Overall, I was pleased with “Hidden Figures” for the wonderful story it told and how the film told it.