Rebranding at Radio/TV

Kaleigh Farrelly, Staff Writer

Over the summer, SMSU’s KSSU TV/Radio rebranded themselves to SMSU Media.

Matt Callahan, is the president of SMSU Media. “The old KSSU name dates back to when the school was opened back in the 60s. Our vision was to make [the new logo] connect with the school, and SMSU Media really works because if you asked people what KSSU was last year, not a lot of people would know.” Callahan said. “We want everyone on campus to know about us and what we do. With rebranding KSSU to SMSU Media, people can see that it’s new, vastly improved, and has already made an impact here on campus,” said Callahan.

Jill Hoppe, SMSU Media’s graphic designer, worked with executive staff over the summer to create a logo that could be used in all of their media with the hope that they would have an image that they could associate with the club.

“My job was to create mock-ups of different designs until we reached one that we liked the best. It was an amazing experience, to see how far the logo had developed by the end of the summer,” said Hoppe.

In the future, Hoppe plans to continue working with SMSU Media designing various promotional posters and taking photos for their social media pages.

“After I was elected as club president, [club vice president] Dylan Curfman and I had the idea of rebranding the whole landscape of KSSU. We set up a meeting last year with all of the Communication Studies professors, including our new advisor Jos Ullian. They all agreed that we needed to make the change from KSSU to SMSU Media. From there on, we went to work.” Callahan said.

In addition to being the club president of SMSU Media, Callahan makes the decisions on most of their productions, runs the club meetings, and keeps up to date with the executive staff. He is also the general manager for the radio station, now known as Mustang Radio. Callahan also schedules shifts, trains new members, and solves problems with the tech in the station.

When asked about future plans for SMSU Media, Callahan said that they will be hosting an agriculture TV production. The club will also have a new sports show called The Sports Zone, which Callahan will be hosting along with the sports director, Paul Vold, to cover SMSU’s football and basketball games.

SMSU Media will occasionally do news packages for big events around campus. An event that they are currently planning a news package for is Casino Night 2015, which is scheduled to take place in December.