Kingdom Come: Deliverance fails to deliver

Kingdom Come: Deliverance, released February 13, is a new first-person action role-playing game for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. The game was published by Deep Silver, who has brought us games such as Dead Island, Saints Row IV, and its latest entry, Persona 5. Deep Silver has teamed up with relatively new developer Warhorse Studios, who were a part of the creation of Mafia II in 2010. This game could have been better.

This adventure starts in 1403 where war has wrecked havoc in Bohemia. Ordered by the Holy Roman Empire Sigismund’s mercenaries raid a mining village in search of there silver. One of the survivors of this raid is Henry, the son of the blacksmith in the village. Seeking revenge Henry joins the service under command of Lord Radzig Kobyla, leader of the resistance to move against the evil Sigismund. As Henry seeks justice for the death of his family, he becomes intertwined in the efforts to restore the true king Sigismund’s half-brother Wenceslaus IV, heir to the throne.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is not an easy game and starting off don’t be upset that the first time you die is because of the town drunk. But by the end of the game, you should be laughing and slaying bandits because of your gained skill. Henry plays as any human getting hungry and fatigued while trying to keep up his Nobel appearance. While traveling through the woods it is very likely that you will be attacked but another feature you will notice is that Henry’s uniform gathers dust and tears that don’t look Noble to the townspeople. Don’t worry tho because around every corner there is a bathhouse to wash Henry clean. This is very tedious and frustrating when all you want to do is start a mission but, you have to look the part. The cut scenes are long and are hard to look at because the graphics don’t compare to other games such as Skyrim. The game holds up very well with its medieval roots but it also keeps up to its medieval stereotypes. Another problem that I had run into multiple times was the weird bugs such as getting stuck in staircases and waypoints that would not show up until I saved again. Even with all of these problems I was still highly content with the smoothness of the sword battle mechanics and as the player I had to master the system with much patience. Don’t bother with the bow and arrow.

Although I felt like a totally new player when I started the game by the end I felt like I had mastered the system and was having good fun. Overall I give Kingdom Come: Deliverance a two and a half spurs. I felt a lack of development in this game that could have been much more with its awesome fighting mechanics.