Coldplay Album Review: It’s a Hit or Miss

In order for a band to stay current, they have to change their musical style. I get that. But with each reinvention, Coldplay felt a little off. Their new pop and electronic styles were sometimes tough to get used to.

The latest and final(?) release finds the band transforming yet again, this time exploring the dance-pop genre. And it’s surprisingly refreshing.

The album is able to maintain a whole new vibe, yet still incorporate Coldplay’s familiar quirks. Songs like “Adventure of a Lifetime” and “A Head Full of Dreams” quickly adjust listeners to the new style.

But there are some misses. Mixed in the album are two short songs, “Kaleidoscope” and “Colour Spectrum,” that try to incorporate an overall message.

Both songs are a collage of various spoken word clips and musical motifs. While the band was going for something artistic and experimental here, their inclusion is confusing.

The album concludes with “Up&Up.” As the final track on the album, this really could have drove home the still unclear themes that the band was trying to get across throughout the rest of the songs. Instead, the nearly seven-minute tune ends with the repetitive lyrics “don’t ever give up.”

At its best, A Head Full of Dreams proves that Coldplay can still reinvent themselves and shine in new ways—15 years after their first album. At its worst, it’s a concept album without a concept. Should the band choose to make more music, here’s hoping they get back to their roots. Don’t ever give up. 3/5