Ferguson has been a very important issue in the last few months. Starting with the shooting of Michael Brown in August, Ferguson, Mo. has been in a state of unrest, as well as the rest of the nation.
Darren Wilson, who was the cop who shot Brown, was being investigated by a grand jury for his actions. His claim was that Brown was being violent and reaching for his gun, resulting in Brown being shot six times.
Many witness reports have Brown and Wilson in different spots around the crime scene. Contradictions are expected with cases like these, but this time it was rather difficult to figure out exactly what happened. Many reports claimed that Brown was shot in the back, but an autopsy has confirmed that to be false.
On the night of Nov. 24, prosecuting attorney Robert McCulloch reveals that Wilson will not be indicted for the killing of Brown. This news began a new wave of protests, not just in Ferguson, but around the nation.
Many cities take part in the protests against the jury’s decision. Many of the protests are non-violent, as they were intended, but some turned violent anyway. The protests in Ferguson ended with many businesses being looted or burned down. A protest in Minneapolis resulted with a woman being hit by a car, and the mob attacking the driver’s car breaking his windshield and forcing the driver to flee the scene. The driver later pulled over a few blocks away to call the police to report what had happened.
The protests and movements continued through the week into Thanksgiving. During the holiday, many planned to stop the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade to spread awareness of the trial. It was unsuccessful, with many protesters being arrested and the parade going on anyway.
Quickly afterwards though, protesters planned on boycotting stores around the nation in protest of Black Friday. Even though Black Friday did indeed happen, it seems that the boycotting was able to reduce the nation’s overall sales of Black Friday by 11%, though this figure is debated.
Many are still angry over the grand jury’s decision, to which they have turned to social media to voice their concerns, with Tumblr being a big one. There have even been several petitions to have another trial for Wilson to be brought before the supreme court.
Darren Wilson, after his trial and after Thanksgiving, has decided to resign from the police department. He hopes that his resignation will help “…the community heal.”
Even with the trial over, Ferguson will be staying in the eyes and minds of the nation for quite awhile longer.