The war began on Tuesday January 14, 2014 when the actor Jared Padalecki, known for his role as Sam on the show Supernatural, tweeted thismessage, “Hey @justinbieber, how much are you paying your friend for pretending that it was HIS cocaine, and taking the fall for you?” regarding the recent news that cocaine was found at Justin’s home in Los Angeles. Biebers friend Lil Za claimed that the cocaine was his and was arrested for possession. The news was rather unsurprising given Biebers acts in recent events and how not that long after this he was arrested for driving drunk. But when Padalecki’s tweet found its way on to many screens across the nation, Beliebers [fans of Justin Bieber] were greatly offended and took it as a sign of war. Many banded together and claimed that they would boycott the long running show Supernatural, and even try to get it cancelled. The fans of the show retaliated all over the internet, starting arguments on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and more. You couldn’t go anywhere on the internet without someone defending Bieber or Supernatural.
This went for a week until the next Tuesday after Padalecki’s tweet, the night of the new Supernatural episode. Fights continued through the web, some claiming that supernatural would be cancelled, others fairly confident that the show would be fine and that the beliebers would fail. About a day or two later, the episode stats were released, surprising everyone. The show had its most watched episode in years, with views higher than it’s been since 2010. The fans of Supernatural had their victory, parading all over the internet as beliebers remained quiet and probably angry. The excitement died down after a few days as the dust settled on the battlefield, where the fans of Supernatural showed just what they can accomplish when their show is threatened.